10 Tips on surviving a long flight.

I can’t remember the first plane I was on.. Apparently I was only a few months old. But since then I have been flying all of my life back and for from California to Hawaii to visit family every few months. There are tons of lists teaching you how to pack your luggage or what to not bring onto a place (*cough* guns, bombs, knives *cough*) and so forth but here are my top 10 list of tips on how I survive long airplane flights.

  1. Get comfy, If you can wear clothes and are non constricting. Skinny jeans and a lace up corset type might be comfy to some but your body tends to bloat and retain fluids to allow for some wiggle room. Bonus points if you have a pair of classy looking pajamas.
  2. SHOWER. Not only for yourself but for your fellow passengers. No one wants to sit next to someone who hasn’t showered since yesterday. Maybe even wear some deodorant. Avoid strong perfumes cause there is nothing worse than sitting next to a cloud of AXE body spray.
  3. Pack your own headphones. Having your own pain guarantees that you will have some sort of entertainment available to you no matter where you are in the air. Many airlines have you purchase the pair, so save yourself the trouble and bring your own noise canceling buds.
  4. Stretch. Before you get on the plane, some time during the flight, and probably after. Sitting in one place is not good in any situation and cramped in a tiny airplane seat is even worse. Get up if it’s more than two hours and move around or if you are capable stretch in your seat.
  5. Drink water. The thought of having to  shut yourself into one of those airline bathrooms is less than glamorous but drink water, the air is even more drying inside the cabin and you will get dehydrated easily. PRO TIP: If you have your own water bottle bring it EMPTY and fill it once you get inside. TSA Lets you bring an empty water bottle through security.
  6. Bring your own spa. If you are into those paper face masks bring one along! When else are you gonna have a few hours of me time! Completely cut off from the phone and with a valid excuse that you were unavailable!
  7.  CHARGE EVERYTHING! As in all of your battery operated items.. cell phone, ipad, kindle, mp3, lap top, ETC Whatever it is! Charge it before you get on the plane. Some of the newer planes offer USB outlets that you can plug into and a few lucky ones have real power outlets but most do not. A dead battery means you have to rely on the in-flight entertainment which might not be so great.
  8. Bring a pillow. These make life sooo much better than using one of those flimsy cottonballs they give you on the plane. Lumbar support? CHECK, Nap time? Sure why not! Pillows are 100% worth every bit of extra effort to bring on the plane.
  9. SLEEP. Okay.. I know this one is kinda like the previous one but seriously! Take a nap.. rest. Sleep! You’re going somewhere far away and it’s probably gonna take every bit of energy to make it though the day so a nap is definitely in order.
  10. Have fun! You’re on an adventure! Try not to get caught up they they ran out of your preferred in-flight chicken.. meal. Be kind to the flight attendants and look forward to all of the great things that you are headed towards!


Do you have any tips on how to survive a long flight? Post them in the comment section below I’d love to hear them!

“MVKT” Most Valuable Kitchen Tool

You know that feeling when you put on your favorite outfit. The one that you KNOW makes you look and feel like a 10! That’s how I feel about my chef knife!

It’s such a simple and lightweight tool that its kinda funny really. Second in my list of most valuable are chopsticks but let’s not go there.

The knife that I am absolutely in love with right now is actually a stainless steel Daiso knife. What is Daiso you ask? Daiso is only the best freaking place in the world! It’s my disneyland for all things that I didn’t even know that I needed! And here is the kicker! Most of the items are only $1.50 each! Dollar fifty? Who cares we have dollar stores all over the place but WAIT! This brightly lit store is filled with items worth soooo much more! Everything from gardening tools to stationary and cooking pieces!!!

If you’ve never been to Daiso it could best be described as a Japanese Dollar store. And this is where I purchased my absolute favorite knife! Not only is it suuuper sharp but it is the perfect weight for my cooking needs. I know what you’re thinking… chef knives should be heavy duty and strong but don’t underestimate the power of this little tool! Every day chopping and dicing are made effortless because of this little baby! And it’s so cheap you could almost treat it like a disposable… Almost.

For me I try to keep an extra knife hidden away somewhere just in case something does happen to my precious Daiso knife but so far I have only had to replace it ONCE in the course of a couple years after daily use. Not bad for a $1.50 right?

What is your MVKT? Let me know in the comments below!

A New Star is Born!

One of the many Palm Springs Stars! 

If you have ever visited downtown Palm Springs you will have noticed the walk of stars that line the pavement up and down Palm Canyon Drive. Today I witnessed the birth of a new Palm Springs Star. The Debbie Gibson star was just unveiled this morning with the STAR herself!


Debbie Gibson and all of her loved ones and supporters present for the unveiling!

I was lucky enough to be among the crowd of “DebHeads” as the dedication was made. The Palm Springs Walk of Stars began back in 1992 (WAY before my time) and has since included Hollywood names such as Buddy Rogers, Sonny Bono, Mary Pickford, Frank Sinatra, and so many more!!! So next time you’re in Palm Springs take some time to wander down the sidewalk  discover all of the stars. I always do!

Congratulations Debbie Gibson! 


So often I get asked the question: “Where did the name Cotton and Creme come from? “Well sit down kiddies I’m gonna tell you a story about back in my day. (HAHHAHA) But here is the truth… the long and short of it.

When I was younger I participated in a organization called 4-H. Similar to FFA, 4-H was aimed at children ages 5-18 and covered everything from sewing, cooking, photography, as well as animal husbandry. Yup! You guessed it! I raised animals! Goats, chickens, pigs, all animals big and small.

In 4-H there are different types of competitions. Market, Dairy, breeding, and then a few fun ones. One of the most creative of these branches was a competition called Lads and lassies. In this you had a showman and a sheep who dressed up together in matching attire that was supposed to be comprised of… WOOL! It was for all purposes a fashion show! Most fairs have the Lads and Lassies competition but it wasn’t until I was 13 or so that I was introduced to the Cotton and Creme version. Having never owned a sheep I wasn’t able to compete in the Lads and Lassies, however…. at one fair they had a goat version of this with a minor change in the detail, the outfit needed to be…. drumroll… COTTON! Hence the name Cotton and Creme!

It’s a part of my past and I thought it would be fitting for a girl who loves food and fashion! What are some fun things that you participated in as a child?

10 Things that you should do on your birthday.

If you have been counting you will already know that I recently celebrated my 28th birthday! (YAY) To commemorate these 28 years I have put together a list of 10 things I recommend doing on your birthday!


  1. Relax! If ever there was a day you were entitled to just taking it easy and sleeping in bed today is the day most people would agree you should do it!
  2. Have fun! What do you enjoy? Hiking, shopping, spending time with friends? Whatever it is, take some time to have some fun!
  3. Smile! Congrats you are one year older! Being alive is great so be happy!
  4. Enjoy all of the free things! Some restaurants offer free meals on your birthday! Take advantage and get a nice meal!
  5. Try something new. Whether it’s a new dish at a restaurant or maybe just a different colored eyeshadow, enjoy creating some new memories.
  6. Take a picture! The day will fly by since you’re having so much fun! Capture that memory!
  7. Have cake. If you like cake… eat cake.. if you prefer ice cream… eat ice cream. Who’s gonna judge! It is your birthday after all!
  8. Blow out your candles and actually make a wish! If you have a cake and candles! Don’t forget to make that wish! There is nothing wrong with wishing for wings! So WISH!
  9. Be Kind. Sometimes I know that I can get demanding when I really really want something. So take it from someone who knows.. be kind to everyone around you regardless.
  10.  Call your Mom. If you are lucky enough to still have your Mom around give her a call. Remember it’s a special day for her too!


You don’t have to do the entire list but I recommend choosing a couple to remember for your birthday! Comment below and let me know what your top 10 are!